Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Text Me When You Get Home: The Evolution and Triumph of Modern Female Friendship: Kayleen Schaefer: Hardcover: 9781101986127: Powell's Books

Friendship doesn't always look like #squadgoals, though it certainly can. #squadgoals, however, always looked like women who were in freshman dorm or summer camp together finding out they liked each other and showing their enthusiasm for their unit to the world. It lacked a sense of permanence, focusing solely on youth and exuberance and exciting moments. I did a lot of eyerolling at her un-self-aware stories. But, honestly, this isn't even a new thing, mean girls have always existed.

text me when you get home book

Schaefer tells us about her early experiences—or lack thereof—with true female friendship, how she had never considered them to be as important as romance, family, what have you. How she had tried her best to actuallynot be friends with women during her early adulthood. But today her strongest relationships are with her female friends, and she feels more fulfilled and content than she ever did before. The book wasn't what I expected, it was mostly anecdotes and stories from the authors personal female friendships, celebrity friendships or fictional tv show friendships. For this reason it was quite hard to get through the last 1/3 of the book. Overall I did enjoy it though, as it serves more as a prompt to look at your own female friendships, and motivation to prioritise them.


My mom and one of her roommates carpooled together in the mornings. There was only one bathroom and never enough time, so every night before they went to sleep, the roommate yelled at my mom, ÒAre you shaving your legs tomorrow? Ó They went out to bars and on trips together, to San Francisco, Bear Mountain, and Honolulu, where they always shared one hotel room for the four of them, partly because they didn't have much money and partly because it was more fun. ÒWe were always talking late into the night,Ó she says. At first they sent a few letters back and forth, but eventually their only communication was through annual Christmas cards.

Somehow, though, I just didn't find this book as relevatory/unusual as it was billed. Most of the sources in this book are also about white women, which was glaringly obvious. This was a glaring oversight and a little unfortunate. More historical context about non-white female communities would have been a nice addition. More than anything, I found myself remembering two close friends I don’t see anymore.

About Kayleen Schaefer

The author is self indulgent and weaves her fantastic state of friendship affairs in and out of historic discusssion of the evolution of feminine friendship as represented on television. I read to avoid television and reading this book is like watching all the television shows I’ve avoided . The author replays way too much of mentioned show episodes, and as a premise this hardly reads as a sociological analysis but more as a bunch of chicks bonding over favorite TV shows as they daintily throwback a glass of Prosecco . It’s a shame because I think this analysis is meaningful to make and value can be gained for those whom may struggle with female friendships, groups of women, or just don’t fit into the shiny new Stepford gal personae. Perhaps the author can submit this book to TV guide and gain the response they’re seeking for this effort.

text me when you get home book

“Text me when you get home.” After joyful nights out together, female friends say this to one another as a way of cementing their love. This history helps explain how the idea that women can't trust each other, that we're better off forgoing friendship because eventually we're going to fail at it, became so intractable. Men told us not to rely on our own sex-and turn to them instead.

News & Interviews

I have read other books that make this point beautifully...I didn't read it here. She went on to assume it was impossible to be friends with girls so she made friends with guys and had no girlfriends or best friends until she wised up and found her friend set and they're all in love and everything is lovely. Also, media shows us that there are no healthy female friendships but we shouldn't listen to them because she is living proof that #squads exist and you need one. It was too chatty, anecdotal, heavy on pop culture references and felt very specific to young, white privileged middle or upper middle class women’s experiences. I don’t know, I’m not sure what I wanted from this book but I didn’t get it.

Or does obsessing over those love stories hurt our real-life relationships? When her parents divorced after a 28 year marriage and her own 10-year relationship ended, those were the questions that Mandy Len Catron wanted to answer. Though I appreciate book and movie references, the entire book was references. Female friendships are amazing, and I was hoping for more of a story than what was presented.

Mostly anecdotes

And it's great advice, because she's been through it all, and she wants to tell you what she's learned. Her comic memoir and first book, Unqualified, will share Anna's candid, sympathetic, and entertaining stories of love lost and won. Part memoir, part humorous, unflinching advice from her hit podcast Anna Faris Is Unqualified, the book will reveal Anna's unique take on how to navigate the bizarre, chaotic, and worthwhile adventure of finding love.

text me when you get home book

Within the first few minutes you can already feel the narrow scope of which the author exists, represents, and researched. Reviews - Please select the tabs below to change the source of reviews. / Curling up with a brand new book / Pages flipping past your nose / A cup of tea, warm in your reading nook / Mark your page before you doze... A woman steps over the line into the unthinkable in this brilliant, powerful, and unforgettable new novel by the author of The Lovely Bones and Lucky. Being introspective, especially if that might turn into feeling depressed, is as unnatural to her as texting with her thumbs instead of her index fingers. Light and breezy banter and ascerbic remarks that I've come to cherish in the dynamic that is Sheriff Swan and Mayor Mills.

Friend Reviews

The book's stories bring to life the ways the waning dominance of heterosexual marriage can leave space for a heartier form of friendship among women, relationships that fulfill many needs once thought to be the domain of husbands. Like recent books that seek to elevate female friendship, All The Single Ladies and The H-Spot, Text Me When You Get Home reimagines what support systems can look like, bursting with friends — no spouse or ring needed. I wanted to like this book but sadly it missed the mark in so many ways. Text Me When You Get Home makes the argument that female friendships are not just important but vital to women. While I agree with this point of view, the book started to bother me around 25%.

text me when you get home book

For another, she basically strings random anecdotes from her life, coupled with a discussion of television shows that prove her point. These seem to exist to give her a reason to talk to television show creators and writers? She just doesn't seem interested in talking to people who aren't already famous, have already written on the topic , or she isn't close friends with or related to. I mean, that's fine, but then you need to call this a memoir with some interviews. In Text Me When You Get Home, journalist Kayleen Schaefer interviews more than one hundred women about their BFFs, soulmates, girl gangs, and queens while tracing this cultural shift through the lens of pop culture. Our love for each other is reflected in Abbi and Ilana, Issa and Molly, #squadgoals, the acclaim of Girls Trip and Big Little Lies, and Galentine’s Day.

She claims that there are no movies about female friendship, and no literature on female friendship , and never substantiates/supports the claim except through personal anecdote. One entire chapter covers letters of Julia Child to a woman who she feels must be Child's friend, she admits that every letter focuses on the development of Childs book . From what she shared, it seems clear to me that the letter exchanges are professional, not personal and there is no evidence of a friendship. It DOES NOT SUPPORT THE THESIS but she spends a chapter guessing that although there is nothing in the letters to suggest they are friends, she thinks they must be. Anecdote after anecdote, an odd reference to GREAT books like All the Single Ladies by Barbara Traister, but in the end, it reads like a senior thesis that a prof would have given a "C" for inadequate research. I might have been reading this too closely, but I think she came off as incredibly condescending and entitled.

Text Me When You Get Home: The Evolution and Triumph of Modern Female Friendship by Kayleen Schaefer, Paperback

She therefore misses out on stories that could illuminate what friendships look like in a state of economic insecurity, when friends might take on support roles we normally peg to families. Schaefer also offered a limited sense of what friendship looks like for women in their 60s, 70s and beyond — women who are less likely to have families and work to consume their worlds, and for whom friendship might be ever more crucial. She includes a wide range of historical and cultural sources, but this would have been a stronger book had those choices been matched in scope by her interviews.

text me when you get home book

A very mediocre read about a very specific type of female friendship... Lacks diverse perspectives and depth of any kind really... A close friendship is one of the most influential and important relationships a human life can contain.

More Books by Kayleen Schaefer

In an age where woman have many more ways to connect, Schaefer points out how our digital ways affect friendships. She tells a story of a woman wishing for a particular group of friends. Instead of bemoaning the lack of the group, she started one herself using Meetup. Schaefer tells of her own efforts to stay connected to a friend in Australia. I understand this, but I also think these pictures were an important start in seeing groups of women in a different way.

text me when you get home book

But I DON'T think they're more important than my marriage or my family relationships. I think ALL my relationships in my life are important and I balance them accordingly. I think positive female friendship is an incredible worthy subject to dissect and discuss, so I was disappointed that Text Me When You Get Home only scratched the surface. I felt like Schaefer would quickly list positive female relationships in pop culture without going on to further analyze them or the effect they had on our greater society. I enjoyed Text Me When You Get Home, but I also wanted it to go deeper.

Interesting read with contradictory messages

I didn’t expect to have a chapter in which she discussed her anti-Trump views and how it helped bonding with her female friends while marching. It was just a complete turnoff for me being a strong supporter of our current president. I’m OK with people having their political views that differ from mine but I just didn’t expect it in this book.

I'm going to go out on a limb and also assume most of them are not limited by any disabilities and aren't queer and are probably not marginalized in any other way than that which comes from being perceived as a woman. A validation of female friendship unlike any that's ever existed before, this book is a mix of historical research, the author's own personal experience, and conversations about friendships across the country. Everything Schaefer uncovers leads to - and makes the case for - the eventual conclusion that these ties among women are making us stronger than ever before. Other than that, I would have also liked a deeper dive into conflict in female friendships, or any semblance of critical thinking. Overall, this was a book I am very glad that I read. There is a lot contained in it, but at times I think Schaefer could have gone a little further with her analysis.

My Life as a Goddess

It used to be that when women married and had kids, they moved away from their female friends. They would befriend the mothers of their kids friends, rather than continuing to see the singleton friend from their career days. Now, with the blurring of lines between home, parenting, marriage, and career, women expect to prioritize female friends higher than before. She uses anecdotal evidence to prove that we used to think of girls as sweet and nice but now we tend to think of girls as cruel and catty. At any rate, this new emergence of Mean Girls is why so many women don't have or want female friends. But if we just stop assuming girls are mean, then we can bypass that myth and become better friends with other women.

text me when you get home book

I have read other books that make this point beautifully...I didn't read it here. She went on to assume it was impossible to be friends with girls so she made friends with guys and had no girlfriends or best friends until she wised up and found her friend set and they're all in love and everything is lovely. Also, media shows us that there are no healthy female friendships but we shouldn't listen to them because she is living proof that #squads exist and you need one. It was too chatty, anecdotal, heavy on pop culture references and felt very specific to young, white privileged middle or upper middle class women’s experiences. I don’t know, I’m not sure what I wanted from this book but I didn’t get it.

Currently Reading

Like anyone gathering life experience, Schaefer comes to realize that women are as nuanced and deep as she believes herself to be. She abandons the marriage credo and begins devoting that energy into growing her friendships. But her view on female friendships isn't unique among women of her generation. She's in her seventies now, and no longer feels like she has to soldier on being devoted only to her family.

She just didn't understand that fraternities and sororities pair up even though she's clearly watched all the movies and shows about this. Later, she expresses how foolish she was to think the sorority girls who were soooo excited to see her were truly excited to see her during rush. Again, despite being socially trained by Hollywood, if not by the women in her family circles, she didn't understand how this all works. All she seemed to do is interview a handful of people about how they met their best friends, and then watched whatever was on TV that day and commented on the female relationships that were being portrayed. I will be publishing my socio-economical analysis of the ABC show 'Once Upon a Time' any day now. Does love ever work the way we say it does in movies and books and Facebook posts?

It made me want to text every one of my female friends to check in and tell them they are loved, or even to ask them if they wanted to spend time together sometime soon. It made me feel like there's a part of my life that could use some loving attention, and I'm excited to provide it. I really enjoyed most of this book and luckily she didn’t go off in a political direction until towards the end. It really helped me self reflect my relationships with women and it makes sense tying our current mentalities back to the social norms of the 70s and prior.

text me when you get home book

It is a very timely and important book, however, and one I'm so glad was published. It made me realize how lucky I am to have all the women in my life that I do, both past and present, and recognize that the "all-in-one" family idea is perhaps no longer relevant for our time. Instead, we all need a group of female friends who will text us when they get home. An examination of the importance of female friendship, Text Me When You Get Home is sure to inspire a reflection about the role of female friendship in your life.

Shop Books

The author is self indulgent and weaves her fantastic state of friendship affairs in and out of historic discusssion of the evolution of feminine friendship as represented on television. I read to avoid television and reading this book is like watching all the television shows I’ve avoided . The author replays way too much of mentioned show episodes, and as a premise this hardly reads as a sociological analysis but more as a bunch of chicks bonding over favorite TV shows as they daintily throwback a glass of Prosecco . It’s a shame because I think this analysis is meaningful to make and value can be gained for those whom may struggle with female friendships, groups of women, or just don’t fit into the shiny new Stepford gal personae. Perhaps the author can submit this book to TV guide and gain the response they’re seeking for this effort.

text me when you get home book

All the other white girls on "Friends" and any other white girls you can think of who have played friends on TV. She does give a shout out to Oprah and Gayle and I think I remember her saying something about The Joy Luck Club but that's pretty much all you get for women of color. Don't go looking for Phoebe Robinson and Jessica Williams.

Book Reviews

I've read a lot of nonfiction books, and they can often move slowly, even if they are saying important things. Not so withText Me When You Get Home; I zipped through this one in just two days and truly enjoyed every second of it. Men believed their friendships helped them grow spiritually-they were based on being good to one another, behavior they assumed would bring them closer to God. Women, on the other hand, could never be so virtuous. "Only men were strong enough to maintain a serene, mostly rational, idealistic friendship with another person," Sandidge says. She didn't have any other friends, or want any, which is inconceivable to me.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Smooth Log Siding for Double Wide Mobile Homes Looks Fabulous!

If you have the same experience as we do you will realize that most people take shortcuts. Sitting in my chair I have spoken to people directly who have had improper installation techniques cost 10 times more to fix than if they had used proper methods in the first place. Water damage- the number one cause of water damage in the field? If you think I am trying to scare the living daylights out of you, you are exactly right.

log cabin siding for mobile homes

How far you take your log home accessories is up to you, but we think you at least need to highlight your log home or cabin with some sweet railings, a remarkable stairway or extraordinary mantel. We would love to talk with you about bringing the warmth of wood and the quality of WoodHaven to your entire project. You can’t escape the fact that some logs are in their rotten state, while others need to be treated with regular treatment.

Mobile Homes With Log Cabin Siding

SEASONING refers to how lumber has been dried to reduce moisture content before it is milled to pattern. For some applications kiln-dried to meet specifications when required. The Cabins architecture includes a wide-open living room/dining room/kitchen area with faux stone accents, beautiful integrated cabinetry and a large island counter that seats three. The perfect color isnt always the one that immediately calls your name. Dont forget to take into consideration that your landscape also plays a role. They can be built in a number of places, such as state parks, private property, or near lakes and rivers.

log cabin siding for mobile homes

They’ll help you or your contractor see how easy our wood products are to install. We’ll give you advice via phone as your project moves along. In today’s busy and complex world, many people are seeking an escape from daily life. In our photos, you can see the patented, crisscrossing solid log corners that create the appearance of rustic, old-fashioned log cabin homes.

True quality wood

This type of log siding is most often used in cabins and homes in rural areas. It can be difficult to find log lap siding, but it sure will make your mobile home stunning. Do you want the rustic look of log cabin siding for your mobile home? There are many types of log siding that can be installed on a mobile home. Let us discuss the different types of log siding and how to install them. We will also give you some tips on choosing the right log siding for your home.

log cabin siding for mobile homes

The Cabin’s bathrooms are equally stunning, with a doorless shower in the master suite and attractive countertops and wooden cabinets throughout. The Aspen also includes a second loft bedroom, creating an incredibly cozy sleeping experience and providing plenty of natural light, plus an opportunity for views of the natural landscape. Natural wood accents are included throughout the Athens Park 10, including in its spacious eat-in kitchen. "We are so glad we made the decision to go with Modulog. Our home was completely transformed. It's a joy to see every time we come home."

Check out your log siding prices

You will receive a small piece of 7" log siding approximately 2" in width. Natural wood varies in color and the final overall color could be slightly different from sample. I am trying to scare you into making sure things are done exactly right. If we are more expensive than the guys down the road it is because doing a job exactly right usually costs more up front than the cheapest option. All Buffalo Lumber orders are delivered MILL DIRECT to your JOB SITE. Our orders are custom milled and factory finished. All communication is handled personally - by phone and email.

log cabin siding for mobile homes

It is made of natural wood, thus it’s no surprise to know that log siding has the capability to render a warm and enduring beauty. The reason every piece of literature on the subject says to finish all six sides prior to installation is that siding - especially pine siding - is extremely susceptible to rot. If rot begins to occur on the back side of your siding you will have no way of knowing until it is too late. Too late being when the rot shows up on the face of the wood.

This is an invitation to water and rot problems down the road even with cedar. If youre looking for the cheapest wood on the planet, youre in the wrong spot. If youre looking for high-quality, custom-cut wood thats been kiln dried to perfection, get a cost estimate.

Customize it with options like a tin tray ceiling with wooden beams, a built-in entertainment center and open kitchen shelves. The EDG28603A is all woodland sophistication with a stone backsplash and rich, wood style floors, paneling and wainscoting. We especially love how our design team used counters with an aged, sun-lightened look on the kitchen island and bathroom vanities to contrast with all the darker wood colors. Speaking of bathrooms, the primary bathroom is your personal retreat within this cabin home. Soak in the alcove tub with a built-in shelf for all your favorite bath products or enjoy the roomy separate shower. And don’t forget to make the home your own with options like ceiling beams or a fourth bedroom for guests in place of the den.

Pine Versus Cedar Siding

When its time for top paint coat, the machine's bottom jets are turned down to make sure the top coat is even thickness with no splash back. This will minimize the paint that gets on the backside and under laps. We recommend factory prime plus one top coat with a 2nd coat after installation in field. Located in the Endless Mountains, Pennsylvania, we have a strong connection to the great outdoors as do many of our customers. Whether youre well off the beaten path, or simply living in a more rural area, a Log Cabin Modular Home may be the perfect choice for you. Our modular log cabins come with a full set of engineered drawings and floor plans that have been approved by your state and local building inspectors.

log cabin siding for mobile homes

If you’re using log trim, start by measuring the length and width of the area that you want to cover. Then, cut the log trim to size and install it using a hammer or screwdriver. Log skirting is a thin, vinyl log that is installed around the base of your home. If you’re after easy installation, tongue and groove is a great way to go. Even people with very little experience with installing wood products can easily figure it out. If you or your installer are looking for a fast way to finish a fantastic project, go with tongue and groove.

From log sidings to log fasteners they deal with everything that’s specialized in conventional log home construction. Yes, wood is still a lauded siding material, but vinyl with its characteristic to imitate the feel and look of wood may yet surpass wood as the most popular choice for siding material. But wood as a siding material is still a coveted material, and everyone would want wood featured as their house siding.

log cabin siding for mobile homes

Although we typically think of smooth log siding on cabins and log homes, it has many other useful applications in home living and commercial enterprises. Both Pine and Cedar are being installed on structures that are not only rustic looking, but beautiful as well. Although solid log homes of todays age are very customizable, it all comes at a high price. Custom electrical and plumbing is easy with our framed walls and does not require costly drilling and notching of logs. This allows our floor plans to be completely flexible without concerns about costs or fixture locations. With solid log construction, door and window operation can be affected as the logs age and settle.

Inside, the Low Countrys farmhouse style puts itself on full display with large built-in cabinets and a lofty beam ceiling that makes this small space feel roomy. The brick-style walls pair perfectly with weathered look of the floors. But our eyes are drawn to the wood paneled ceiling with beams that match the stain of the cabinets (and there is a farmhouse style option for this home model too!). The ING564F Shasta GW is giving “retreat in the mountains that you never want to leave” vibes. Enjoy the view that takes up the whole wall, with a glass door leading out onto a huge prow porch.

log cabin siding for mobile homes

Log Siding for Mobile Homes

You can further enhance your home with a few additional remodeling projects. Most of us are familiar with Pine wood because it is commonly used for many building purposes in residential and commercial markets. It is abundant, easy to work, and sustainable because many trees are grown and harvested on tree farms. Pine is strong, durable, and affordable compared to many other woods. It will look great on your double wide stained in your choice of colors or finished in a natural-looking clear coat.

log cabin siding for mobile homes

Real log cabins require regular maintenance in the form of staining and sealing, careful cleaning, and regular inspections to spot trouble. Insects and wildlife (i.e. woodpeckers) might be tempted to call your log cabin home as well, leading to severe damage and expensive repairs. Log trim is a thin, vinyl log that is used to accentuate the corners of your home.

Advantages of TruLog Siding Versus Other Materials

Impressive Fire Protection – Steel siding is the best you can get when it comes to fire protection for your home. A wildfire or house fire can quickly demolish a wood-clad home while a TruLog Steel home will offer the best protection you can get when it comes to siding. You can get the same rustic log cabin look you love without the danger of having flammable materials surrounding your mobile home.

log cabin siding for mobile homes

There are many options available to you, including our TruLog steel siding. Once you have installed the log siding, it’s important to protect it from the elements. Make sure to follow the instructions on the sealant or paint carefully. You will need to apply at least two coats of sealant or paint, allowing it to dry for twenty-four hours in-between applications. We’d be happy to send you a sample of any of our log siding or a piece of any type of wood you’d like to consider as you shop for building materials — and a company that stands behind their product. However, a good option to consider, log siding comes too pricey.

Log Siding for Manufactured Homes

As a result you are adding better insulation, easier maintenance, and modern interior. Log siding transforms any home into a log cabin and changes your existing house into your dream home. We will create as many custom log home accessories as your heart desires. We’ve done some crazy projects, so don’t be afraid to take some measurements and give us a call. When we say custom log home accessories, we mean every single word of it. Let us be part of your project’s story by making something that will give everybody something to talk about.

log cabin siding for mobile homes

The mix of darker and lighter woods is beautiful, and the kitchen is goal worthy. You’ll enjoy having so much counter space and the convenience of a kitchen island with a sink built right in, perfect for meal prep. And there is plenty of storage with tons of cabinets, including several as part of the island. Function aside, the features like the optional ceiling beams, the ceiling-to-counter backsplash and the frosted pendant lights really make this room pop. And the color palette, design details and storage space continue throughout the home.

Log Cabin Modular Home

The Cabin’s bathrooms are equally stunning, with a doorless shower in the master suite and attractive countertops and wooden cabinets throughout. The Aspen also includes a second loft bedroom, creating an incredibly cozy sleeping experience and providing plenty of natural light, plus an opportunity for views of the natural landscape. Natural wood accents are included throughout the Athens Park 10, including in its spacious eat-in kitchen. "We are so glad we made the decision to go with Modulog. Our home was completely transformed. It's a joy to see every time we come home."

log cabin siding for mobile homes

You are not just buying a house you are buying a Kintner Log Cabin Modular Home. For those seeking a full-sized manufactured home with cabin elements, The Cabin by Clayton Homes is an outstanding choice. Before you decide to renovate with log-like siding, its important to understand any relevant codes.

You will also increase the time factor because of the labor involved in finishing the wood and cleaning up afterward. Below are a just a few of the log cabin floor plans our customers have designed. Its important to note that any of our floor plans can be made into log cabins. Saves Time Rather than waiting for a traditional builder to complete your new home over many months, we can have our modular log cabins delivered in just a few weeks. A Clayton Built® cabin can provide your family with the perfect retreat for an affordable price.

log cabin siding for mobile homes

If you have the same experience as we do you will realize that most people take shortcuts. Sitting in my chair I have spoken to people directly who have had improper installation techniques cost 10 times more to fix than if they had used proper methods in the first place. Water damage- the number one cause of water damage in the field? If you think I am trying to scare the living daylights out of you, you are exactly right.

Log siding for Homes

These homes come in a number of designs which makes each one unique and interesting to view, which is great for homeowners who want something more than one design. A stunning real life example of how re-siding with TruLog can transform a mobile home is shown below. I also want to add what our builder said about WoodHaven’s product. “Don, this is 10 times nicer than anything we’ve ever put up,” he said. Yes, the corner styles are usually the ones that provide your log home with a more pleasing appearance.

Feel free to ask us whatever you’d like about our products or services.

It also creates a unique look when it’s used for home siding projects. Our cedar quarter log is a popular choice because it delivers the look, feel and scent of cedar without the full log price. Today, we will concentrate on installing log siding on the exterior of a popular type of manufactured housing – double wide mobile homes.

log cabin siding for mobile homes

Looking for that perfect rustic getaway, but don’t have the time or resources to build it from scratch? Or maybe you’re looking for a cabin, but all of the ones near you fall squarely outside of your price range? Don’t let that be the end of your dreams for the perfect log cabin! With a little bit of creativity, you can turn anything into a beautiful wilderness destination, including a prefabricated or manufactured home.

It comes in different widths, so you can choose the right size for your home. Our 6-, 8-, and 10-inch half log pine or cedar siding all comes with our unique end-matching feature. Every piece of wood siding is individually hewn — it looks like it’s been peeled by hand! It’s no wonder it’s our most popular cabin siding and home siding. If you plan to PAINT your cedar log siding, to be safe the log should be kiln dried which adds a cost to the wood.

log cabin siding for mobile homes

Many homeowners use a rock skirting from the ground up to the first row of siding. Above all, our focus is on providing Pennsylvania and New York customers with quality modular homes and professional services before, during and after their purchase. From pre-construction planning through our in-house service department, ease and comfort is achieved by our talented team members. The entire team is committed to building a better house and enhancing your building experience.

Monday, January 6, 2020

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Sunday, January 5, 2020

Does Home Depot Give Military Discounts On Appliances?

I believe they allow the discount on online orders as well. Despite the issues with their military discount program, Home Depot does A LOT for veterans. According to Home Depot’s official site, only dishonorably discharged veterans are not eligible for the military discount.

can you use military discount online at home depot

If you hit your cap at Home Depot, you can still shop around at other retailers offering military discounts, like Lowe’s. Once verified, your personal account will reflect your verified military status. Home Depot has offered a special military discount for active personnel, veterans, and their families since 1979. Yes, the military discount is limited to the first $4,000 of eligible purchases. Since the discount is 10%, that's $400 of savings every calendar year.

What Can You Use The Home Depot’s Military Discount For?

Active duty service members, spouses, retirees, and veterans can save up to 10% using the Home Depot military discount. You must register in advance on the Home Depot website. The military discount is available both for both online and in store purchases. These deals are only available on Thursday, unless otherwise stated.

I agree, Home depot in my local store stopped giving our vets a 10% discount in December of 2021. The new program they announced will only give up to a maximum of $500 per year. Home Depot recently announced that all U.S. veterans and their spouses will now be able to use their everyday military discount. Chalk up another “No Veterans Discount at Home Depot, but no problem at Lowes” story.

How else can military members, veterans, and their families save at Home Depot?

To protect against identity fraud and stolen valor, Home Depot relies on SheerID to verify your military credentials. Once this has been proven, you’re good to go and enjoy your discount. While spouses are allowed to access the same discounts, separate accounts are still needed.

Specifically, they put an emphasis on ending veteran homelessness, donating money and resources to building homes for military veterans. So unless the veteran is present, you will not be able to redeem the military discount. You can redeem the military discount 365 days out of the year, and it is no longer restricted to specific holidays like Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Veterans Day. Unfortunately, they don’t do a very good job of explaining the exact terms and conditions of the military discount anywhere on their website. I was told after the first of the year, 2019, I had to be registered online with Home Depot or I would no longer be given a Military discount.

Are there any other stores that offer military discounts?

I don’t have a smart phone and don’t want one so I am told at their service desk there is no way to get the discount. Apparently HD corporate has decided if they make the discount extremely hard to use that most retired vets will not use it. We will be shopping at LOWES since they automatically recognize your eligibility at the register with no hassle. The Home Depot offers 10% military discounts on in-store and internet purchases on select items. These discounts are available every day to all US veterans, active duty service members and spouses. The 10% military discount is also now newly valid for online purchases in addition to in-store shopping, officials announced in a press release.

Their Home Depot foundation has been helping veterans since 2011, both in the form of donations, and employment. In the past, you had to provide some sort of proof that you served or are actively serving. Your best bet is to check with your local store for the full list. Home Depot has partnered with Sheer ID, an online 3rd party verification service that’s used by 1,000’s of companies. If you already have a Home Depot account, simply click the ‘Sign In’ link and skip to Step 5 below.

But you go to Lowes and anything you buy you get there discount. For easy access to your discount, make sure the app is set up to remember your username and password. Have it pulled up and ready to present when you get to the checkout counter. If all active military and Veterans stop buying at Home depot and start buying only Lowe’s they will change that policy in a hurry.

can you use military discount online at home depot

This discount is a great gesture to help do something to give back to those who spent their lives giving to us all. It’s important to note that your Home Depot military discount cannot be combined with other discounts. These terms and conditions are subject to change at the discretion of Home Depot, including what is and isn’t excluded from eligible discounts. A 10% discount is available as a military discount. However, customers are often confused about this as this is not announced officially on their pages.

Best Buy Military Discount

Go to LOWE’S and get the military discount, PERIOD. Other than this circumstance, I have never had any problems getting Lowe’s military discount. Click Here to find out how to get the Lowe’s military discount. The company is headquartered at the Atlanta Store Support Center. The above list is not exhaustive, and does not represent a full list of items available for military/veteran discount.

can you use military discount online at home depot

However, they do offer a discount of 10% on eligible purchases. The discount is only applicable to in-stock items in the store. It cannot be applied to labor items, special buys, or appliances. It is not applicable to freight and delivery as well.

Home Depot Military Discount – How to Save 10% on Purchases at Home Depot

If you’re eligible and enrolled for a military discount at Home Depot, your spouse is also able to take advantage of the savings. This discount is open to both active-duty military members and Veterans. The maximum annual discount for eligible participants is $400. Home Depot Military Discount - You can use the discount online or in-store.

can you use military discount online at home depot

Home Depot will soon stop accepting military ID. The Home Depot also offers a free standard delivery service on appliances. Buying appliances at discounted prices from Home Depot is a great way to save on your new home appliances. Due to the Home Depot change effectuve January 1, 2022 I will no longer shop there. The things I buy are all the things that Home Depot no longer gives a discount on. And there are other things they no longer allow you to use the military discount on.

All U S. Veterans Can Now Use Home Depots Military Discount

The Home Depot military discount is for personal use only. It cannot be combined with other promotions or discounts. Yesterday at Home Depot I discovered that Romex Wire is also excluded from Military Discounts. On your sales receipts you will see a coded next to items that are military discounted; more and more items at Home Depot are being excluded.

But, if Home Depot is offering a storewide deal, you may be able to use your military discount on top of that deal. Again, your 10% discount has a maximum annual cap of $400 each year. Non-married dependents of military members and veterans are no longer eligible for the discount. For more information, read the frequently asked questions here.

Home Depot Military Discount Online

The Military Discount is for 10% off the price of in-stock purchases made by eligible participants. Create an account, or log in to your account if you already have one. First, download the Home Depot app or head to No, unfortunately, the dependents are not eligible for this discount.

The store offers a range of special order products as well. For major appliances, the company’s return policy allows for up to 48 hours of return time. The Home Depot military discount is not available on certain things. It’s also not valid for gift cards or tool rental fees. If you want to rent a tool, you will not get a discount on the fees.

Are there any items and purchases excluded from the Military Discount?

Follow the steps above to redeem the Home Depot military discount online. A personal account should be selected if you shop for personal reasons, and a ‘Pro Xtra Account’ should be selected if you’re making purchases for your business. Finally, please remember that military discounts are a privilege, not a right. Stores and organizations have the ability to set their own policies and choose how they implement them. If you are offered a discount, please accept it graciously.

can you use military discount online at home depot

To protect against identity fraud and stolen valor, Home Depot relies on SheerID to verify your military credentials. Once this has been proven, you’re good to go and enjoy your discount. While spouses are allowed to access the same discounts, separate accounts are still needed.

SheerID Helps You Verify

This discount is not for commercial credit cards, and it can’t be used in conjunction with other discounts. If you’re a veteran, you probably already know that Home Depot offers a 10% discount. The discount is good for up to $400 in purchases per year. However, you’ll want to check with your local store to ensure that you get the discount you’re entitled to. You may have to present your military ID to the cashier for the discount to apply. Home Depot offers discounts on certain items to military members.

I haven’t shopped at Lowe’s for a very long time due to them royally screwing me over on a contract. Even before I had my ID Home Depot gave me the discount. I visited a Home Depot in Puerto Rico and bought a sink faucet. I was told that it didn’t qualify for the military discount as many other “construction” products.

Have you had issues trying to get a military discount at Home Depot? Leave a comment below!

This discount offers a 10% discount to all those veterans who do not fit the above criteria. It is available on Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and the 4th of July. Home Depot 2022 military discount has two types; the all-year-round discount and the holiday special discount. Remember that the annual discount is limited to $400. Home Depot has changed the way they accept military discounts.

can you use military discount online at home depot

Home Depot offers an app to get a military discount. The app allows you to log in to your account and register for a military discount. The app has a nifty drop-down menu, and you can easily find out if you qualify. After you’ve logged in, you’ll get a 10 percent discount on your purchases. The military discount can be used on most items but not on appliances, freight, tool rental fees, or value-priced merchandise. Lowe’s is proud to offer 10% off eligible purchases every day to active military personnel and veterans.

Simply present it to your cashier at check out and enjoy 10% off of your purchase. On the app, you’ll need to access your account and click the Military Discount Program. In the past, only active-duty troops, military retirees and their dependents could use the discount. Veterans were permitted to use it only onMemorial Day,July 4andVeterans Day.

can you use military discount online at home depot

You can get 10% off on select items at Home Depot with military discounts. However, the discount cannot be applied to a few items, including appliances. Several other well-known home improvement and decor stores offer military discounts. They include Ace Hardware, Lowe’s, Kohl’s, and Sam’s Club.

Once you have verified your military service with Home Depot, you’ll never have to do it again. Home Depot said it currently employs more than 35,000 active, reserve and retired military members. Finally, the discount can’t be used retroactively for prior purchases, regardless of the reason. Read about other ways to verify military service here. On the military discount page, click “Verify Military Status” and follow the on-screen instructions. provides discount information as a service to our members.

Their Home Depot foundation has been helping veterans since 2011, both in the form of donations, and employment. In the past, you had to provide some sort of proof that you served or are actively serving. Your best bet is to check with your local store for the full list. Home Depot has partnered with Sheer ID, an online 3rd party verification service that’s used by 1,000’s of companies. If you already have a Home Depot account, simply click the ‘Sign In’ link and skip to Step 5 below.

Can You Stack Military Discounts At The Home Depot?

Problem is every time we put in the number it shows that it’s not on the list. Went back to the service desk they said it was fixed and we would never have a problem again. Well guess what next time we went to check out we were still not on the list. I just went to Home Depot to purchase 3 ceiling fans. I handed them My military ID, I swiped my card and started to walk out when I realized the 10% hadn’t been taken off. I went to customer service and they told me ceiling fans weren’t eligible for the discount and that the government sets the rules for what qualifies.

can you use military discount online at home depot

Saturday, January 4, 2020

30 Beautiful Houses And The Inspiration Source Behind Their Designs

Buckingham Palace, London, takes the credit for being the most expensive house globally. This house is so amazing that it was even featured on an episode of House Hunters International. "Special kudos to the Asian Paints Beautiful Homes Service team! They made sure to deliver exactly according to the design."

Contemporary and calming interiors to unwind and relax as a family and enjoy their time together with a fuss-free interior design. Generally, buying a home in Frankfurt am Main is possible for foreigners and there are no restrictions. You can buy real estate in Germanyeven if you do not have a German residence permit, but buying process does not automatically entitle you to such a permit.

Beautiful Bedroom Wallpaper Ideas

No doubt they belong to the richest in the world, but it’s always fun to know such facts. They structured the house on four levels, expanding upwards in order to include all of the different rooms and to offer enough space for lots of different types of activities. That way they maintained a small footprint but didn’t make the house feel tiny inside. The original cabin was built in 1974 and although the newly added extension doesn’t really match the original style it suits it quite well in a strange way.

beautiful homes & great estates season 16 episode 2

A swimming pool is a really nice extra feature that a house can have and it’s typically something that’s found in the backyard. However, for this house in Lisbon the pool is a centerpiece. It’s actually not just one but two pools that were integrated into the design of this house in a really cool and unusual way. Studio NOARQ got rid of the old house but didn’t demolish the whole thing.

Striking Kitchen Decor Ideas from Designers

Not the design, but the fact that it’s very popular, but most people don’t choose to live in modern homes. If modern design is your thing, check out our modern houses. It’s a rustic-looking building built out of wood, which gains a lovely patina over time and ages in a beautiful way.

beautiful homes & great estates season 16 episode 2

What they can cram into a couple of hundred square feet is incredible. Some of the most expensive homes in the world are apartments. Think Hong Kong, New York City and other large cities where 5,000 sq. Ft. on the 30th floor costs far more than 5 acres with a 5,000 sq. Anyone can build a big house, but not just anyone can design and build a beautiful big house.

Which is the biggest house in the world?

If you like Victorian houses, you’ll love our gallery featuring some of the most spectacular Victorian houses in the world. This is a house that looks different depending on where you’re standing when looking at it. That’s because it’s composed of two very different and contrasting sections.

This pristine white building is surrounded by beautiful lush greenery with a minimum crowd surrounding it. After all, it is the place for ultimate comfort, security, and warmth for most of us. No matter how big or small the house is, it’s always a lovely dream home for its occupants. Browse 38,615 professional beautiful homes stock photos, images & pictures available royalty-free.

Though its current bedroom count is 25, it has been owned and renovated several times since its inception. However, its estimated value could reach £300 million in the future. Find a designer to help you create your own beautiful home. We share here investment hacks and market developments and announce new projects. The basic property tax rate in Germany is 0.35%, multiplied by a municipal factor. The effective tax rate is usually between 1.5% and 2.3%.

beautiful homes & great estates season 16 episode 2

Chartwell House is a beautiful residence that sits on 10.39 acres in the centre of Los Angeles’ Bel-Air neighbourhood. Chartwell is a unique blend of expansive lawns and spectacular jetliner vistas, providing panoramic scenery from downtown to the Pacific. Located in a small village in Surrey in the United Kingdom, Updown Court is the most beautiful house. It is advertised as a luxury smart home and has almost 80 residences. It is home to billionaires, celebrities, and businessmen.

A circular dune house in Victoria

The first category of our beautiful houses collections is by house type. House type refers to the structure type such as detached home, townhouse, apartment, etc. Interestingly, most people’s homes aren’t rustic, but they like it.

That is because of the remote area, the building was postponed for many years, and heavy winds. It's beautiful in every corner, but the villa hasn't attracted any buyers yet. Residential neighbourhood street with some modern Australian homes. Stucco is great because it doesn’t require much maintenance.

Sky Garden House – Singapore

Our database contains offers with current prices, photos and descriptions from the owners, developers and local real estate agencies. Cheap cottages, mansions, bungalows and villas for sale in Frankfurt am Main — without intermediaries and extra charges. There’s limited waterfront property and given most people want to live on the water, beach houses cost a lot of money.

beautiful homes & great estates season 16 episode 2

Worlds 15 most beautiful houses that will leave you awestruck

However, its beauty does not lie in its covertness but in its minimal invasiveness and temperature maintenance capability. Though it is hidden from passers-by, the residents of this beautiful 3-bedroom apartment can have a clear view of the entire coastline. The bathrooms are made of vibrant coloured pods and are complete with suits.

beautiful homes & great estates season 16 episode 2

But that doesn’t mean they aren’t cool to visit, look at, read about and dream about owning. I spent over one month compiling a list of the best castles in the world. You have to see this massive collection of castles if you’re a castle fan. And when people shell out millions for an apartment, they want it to look great. To that end, we have a growing collection of luxury apartments. There’s a real warmth to it, even if there’s not a lot of light.

What is the name of a big house?

You can also opt for pretty much any color, which gives you plenty of exterior flexibility. Log homes are fabulous, but not terribly popular except at ski resort towns. And yet another way to categorize different houses is by color.

beautiful homes & great estates season 16 episode 2

As always, the inspiration came from the site, the topography and nature itself. That’s how this house came to be built out of rugged stone and concrete and to have such an organic look while at the same time featuring a modern architecture and a very stylish interior. An apartment is one of a group of comparable units contained within a single building structure. A critical aspect is that you must rent the space from a landlord. Generally speaking, apartments provide numerous conveniences such as on-site maintenance, gym facilities, laundry, and a pool.

Bedroom Ideas for a Sophisticated Home

One of the loveliest places to live in the UK, Edinburgh has a unique Scottish charm that appeals to all. With a vibrant city centre and castle on the hill, the city has a lot to offer to its residents and tourists. Another luxury property in the US that promises the best view of nature’s beauty and glamour. This property spreads across 30 acres with 5 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms with an unobstructed view of the rocky mountains. The Manor is a French chateau-style mansion of 56,500 square feet with 123 rooms and sits on 5 acres of land.

beautiful homes & great estates season 16 episode 2

Chartwell House is a beautiful residence that sits on 10.39 acres in the centre of Los Angeles’ Bel-Air neighbourhood. Chartwell is a unique blend of expansive lawns and spectacular jetliner vistas, providing panoramic scenery from downtown to the Pacific. Located in a small village in Surrey in the United Kingdom, Updown Court is the most beautiful house. It is advertised as a luxury smart home and has almost 80 residences. It is home to billionaires, celebrities, and businessmen.

Jean-Louis Deniot Modern Paris Apartment

Buckingham Palace, London, takes the credit for being the most expensive house globally. This house is so amazing that it was even featured on an episode of House Hunters International. "Special kudos to the Asian Paints Beautiful Homes Service team! They made sure to deliver exactly according to the design."

beautiful homes & great estates season 16 episode 2

The house is designed by architect Susanna Cots and it’s located in Girona, Spain who wanted to achieve a nice balance between what’s practical and what looks beautiful. The interior is very bright which complements the house beautifully and adds a modern flair to the project. The Summitridge mansion in Beverly Hills, California, is an acclaimed newly designed modern property.

The top 5 beautiful houses in the world are- Dracula Palace, Uptown Court, Antilia, Villa Leopolda and South Coogee. Located amid beaches and snow-capped mountains, Santiago is one of the world's most beautiful places to live. It is one of South America's safest and most reasonably priced cities, with gorgeous natural beauty and impressive architecture. I consider a nice house one that most people would like. That’s how we choose the houses in our “nice houses” collection. I can’t put my finger one a single design feature, but it’s the combination of design elements that make it cool.

To that end, we put together a collection of houses that we think is very cool. While not hugely popular, the right yellow with the right home can have a stunning effect. In our former neighborhood, there was a large new home designed in the Victorian style that was painted yellow. I think the type of blue you choose makes a huge difference.

The new space makes a huge difference because it allows the interior layout to be reorganized and to become more practical and better suited for a contemporary lifestyle. The Sky Garden House is a residential property located in Singapore. The building was completed in 2011 and has since become an iconic landmark in the city. The house is built on stilts and features a cantilevered glass facade that offers stunning views of the cityscape. The interior is just as impressive, with a spacious open-plan layout and floor-to-ceiling windows that let in natural light.

It is situated on a 5.5-acre plot of ground adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean. Upon the grounds, there is a pool, a golf course, a tennis court, and a partial basketball court. A strong and harmonious relationship with nature is what makes a lot of projects successful and inspiring. A beautiful example is a house designed and building by ArchLAB studio. It occupies a piece of land in Vilnius, Lithuania which has a river running through. It was a piece of land in Hampton Bays, United States in a forest clearing with lots of vegetation around it and with a view of the Peconic Bay.

Friday, January 3, 2020

10 Best Dip Powder Nail Kits to Try at Home

It also feels very lightweight and natural on the nails and comes off easily, always a win. The only thing to keep in mind is that each jar of dip-powder is smaller than average — reviewers say each jar holds enough powder to do their manicure three times. But when you're paying around $23 for 20 powders, you can't really complain about the size. If you're getting a nail dip powder mani in the salon, NEVER dip your whole finger into the powder—doing so can expose you to bacteria and germs from other clients. This is really a personal preference thing, but if you want something more long-term, dip powder may be the move. Most dip powder manis last three or more weeks, while gels last about two.

ICYMI, sheer nail polish is trending rn, and this dip powder nail kit offers several shades that leave a light translucent hue on your nails. So if you're in the market for a highly pigmented solid color, this one might not be for you, but if you just want a ~hint~ of hint, you'll absolutely love this one. These best at-home dipping powders nail kits are for you! Nowadays most folks aim to possess high-quality products that will not make us broke. When done correctly, dip powder manicures are thought to be perfectly safe. In fact, some believe they're safer than gel manicures, which could increase your risk of skin cancer due to the UV light used to dry the polish.

Kiara Sky Dip Powder Starter Kit

As for options, you could get this kit with or without the nail essentials. The former option makes this kit ideal if you already have a trial kit, and you want to build-up your powder collection. If you do your own nails and dont share the products, theres little concern, especially if you take steps to keep your nails healthy and practice proper nail care.

Every SNS Dip Powder Nail Kit comes with complete step-by-step instructions on how to apply the products for the best results. You can also access online videos that give you easy-to-follow guidance for DIY dip powder application. When I need a DIY alternative to a great manicure, dip powder nail kits are my go-to. The term "dip" comes from the act of dipping your nails in the powder after applying a base coat to create the long-lasting color. The biggest selling point with a dip powder manicure is that no UV or LED light is needed, so the time it takes to dry your nails is cut in half.

What to Look for in the Best Dip Powder Nail Kit?

While both dip powder and gel manicures boast longevity , dip powder manicures don't require UV light-curing lamps. That means you can cut your mani time in half, won't have a bulky nail lamp taking up space in your home and it's a bonus if you're sensitive to UV exposure. Plus, they can be easier to remove than certain gels; you just need a light filing and a soak in acetone (no drills!).

You don't have to compromise your morals for a bomb DIY mani. And while a lot of that depends on how fast your nails grow out, this kit boasts an impressive three weeks of wear-time without dulling or chipping before you need to remove the polish. If you have been looking for fake nails that do not damage your natural nails, you should try out the dip powder. They are crack and chip resistant, non-toxic, vegan, and are loaded with calcium and vitamin E to strengthen your real nails. If youre already in the dip nail game, how about a kit that celebrates the colors of fall? The Best of Fall Powder Kit is designed with the season in mind.

Le Chat Professional French Dip Kit

Some acrylic, gel, and powder polishes can wreak havoc on your nails. It doesn't contain any harsh chemicals—plus it's formulated with calcium to help strengthen your nails. And when it needs to be removed, it simply soaks right off.

at home dip powder kits

【Superior Quality & Long Lasting】AZUREBEAUTY dip powder nail kit is long-lasting and anti-chipping, anti-peel off. The color is full and natural-looking, light, and has an impeccable shine finish. It can keep the nail art gorgeous and shiny for more than about 21 days with proper application. This dip powder nail kit will offer you professional, smooth, shiny nails in no time, formulated to be longer-lasting, keeping your nails depending on top form all of the time. When entering the world of dip powder nails and hunting for an easy-to-use, long-lasting product, Red Carpet’s manicure color dip starter set is the best option for you. It is easily found at most Ulta stores and if not, it ships within 2-3 days.


For the closest match to what you might find at the salon, try OPI's powder set, available in the same great range of shades you're used to. Our Top 10 Lists help shoppers quickly and easily find what they need. Using an intense review and approval process , we break down the best products according to what consumers most commonly search for and want. Alexis Gaskin is a Freelance Beauty Writer for Marie Claire who can often be found painting her nails to match every outfit. She covers beauty, skincare, and fat fashion and will get distracted by any and all Halsey-related content or anything glittery. After your nails dry, buff and gently file for a smooth finish.

at home dip powder kits

Top 10 Lists serve as unbiased shopping guides to the most trusted product recommendations on the internet. Products are scored and ranked using an algorithm backed by data consumers find most valuable when making a purchase. We are reader-supported and may earn a commission when you shop through our links. Specific instructions can vary from kit to kit, so be sure to follow the directions that come with yours for best results.

Saviland colored dip powder nail kit is premium quality and free of harsh chemicals. It can keep your nail art gorgeous and shiny for more than 3 weeks. 【Long Lasting Vibrant Shades】This anti-cracking dipping powder is on effortlessly & lasts more than 21+ days under daily use - no quick broken peeling off nails here! Most fashionable style colors, full but natural-looking, lightweight, breathable, waterproof. 8 popular and fashionable colors, more than 500+ shades combos can be designed.

Dip powder manis have a slightly grainier texture and are a little bulkier than regular polish, so if you're DIYing at home you may need a few practice rounds to get it right. Whether you are looking for traditional red, toned-down neutral, or glitter nails, this set has the shade for you. Slay your manicure and express yourself with this amazing kit!

How to Remove Dip Powder Nails

Once you've cured your base coat and added a coat of nail polish, pat the powder onto your nails using the sponge applicator. You literally won't be able to stop staring at the cool, holographic effect—trust me. Another gem from Azurebeauty, but this time with a selection of moody blue, gray, and black nail polishes to choose from. With this at-home dip powder kit, you'll get nails so shiny, you can basically see your reflection in them.

at home dip powder kits

Without further ado, below are the 15 best dip powder nail kits for you to use at home. Invest in some nail polish remover clips to make the process easier . While many manicurists will admit that, ideally, you should leave dip powder manicures to the professionals, monthly trips to the nail salon can get expensive.

14 Best Dip Powder Nail Kits 2022 Dip Powder Kits for At-Home Manicures

❤【Superior Quality & Long Lasting】Saviland dip powder kit is long-lasting, anti-chip and has no breaks. These colors are classic, non-yellowing and superb adhesion. It can last for more than 21 days even and do no need nail lamp curing. This kit contains all of the necessary dip powder nail application liquids, plus four jars of powder in the colors of your choice.

Based on temperature, one shade goes from yellow to orange; the other from pink to orange. For a wider range of options, consider a kit like this one, which contains both neutral and more vibrant options, including pink glitter. Once your nails are dry, seal the deal with the top coat and follow up with your favorite cuticle oil. Tap away or brush away the excess pigmented powder between each application for a smooth and even coat.

Best for French Tips

Revel's dip powder claims to deliver lightweight, natural results that can last up to three weeks or longer. "This kit had everything I needed," says one, while another raves "I love this kit! It has everything you need to do a beautiful manicure." This budget-friendly nail dipping set includes both white and neutral-colored acrylic tips that you can adhere to your nails for natural-looking length. Reviewers note that it does take practice and patience to get it right, but that the kit works well and the instructions are easy to follow.

Also known as SNS nails, dip powder nails are known for being long-lasting and don't use UV light to harden, unlike gel nails. The color comes from dipping your nails into a finely-milled, pigmented powder before bonding with adhesive, rather than painting on streaks of hard liquid gel. The result is a long-lasting, evenly coated manicure, usually only achieved by professionals — until now. Whether you love a sheer, neutral mani or a vibrant neon-colored one, there's a nail dip powder kit for you. Be sure to choose a kit that has colors that fit your vibe and aesthetic, and then scan the customer reviews for real-life pics! Do the colors in the pots look like the color on testers' nails?

What is a dip powder manicure?

If you're trying to hop on this trend, you definitely need to try this at-home dip powder nail kit. It comes with everything you need to DIY your French tips, including ten different base color options and two different white polishes to create your tips. TBH, some of the professional-looking at-home dip powder kits can get really complicated really fast if you don't know what you're doing. So, if you're a newb to dip powder, you might want to try out this beginner kit. It's super easy to use—like, if you can paint your own nails with basic polish, then you can easily figure out this kit.

Choosing the appropriate at home dip powder kit can be tough. However, if you consider these factors, your job will be easier. This professional-grade powder touts a whopping four weeks of wear, all while also imparting the length and strength you get from acrylics .

Kiss False Nails Salon Dip

To find out what is in the kit, read the back and reviews. Whether you’re an expert in at-home nail care or experimenting with a new self-care strategy, it’s actually pretty easy to give yourself a dip powder manicure. Before you try it yourself, though, you should know how it works. The Nailboo kits not only have an excellent name, but they're also entirely vegan and cruelty free. What looks like a rather ornate collection of items is actually a comprehensive and easy-to-use kit for truly creating dip manis at home.

at home dip powder kits

Melanie Rud is a Chicago-based writer with 10 years of experience covering beauty. She covers all things skincare for Byrdie, from ingredients to acne advice. Good Housekeeping participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. Use a nail primer to remove oil and dirt from the nail bed. Cosmopolitan participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites.

Skill-wise, the only thing you need to perfect a dip manicure is a steady hold (or a friend who can help with your non-dominant hand). When it came to finding the best dip powder nail kits, we focused on user reviews, editors' own testings, and of course, making sure the products are user-friendly with maximum color. Just remember that getting salon-perfect nails takes practice and a bit of careful studying!

Based on our research, we have found these excellent products to be well worth the money and should be able to meet your needs. We then used this research to assign a star rating from one to five (five being the best; one being the worst) to certain products on the list. This one-stop-shop comes with everything you need, even including helpful clips for removal. It does require a few extra steps, but that makes for an extremely impressive mani . Plus, not only do you get four colors, you can choose exactly which colors those are, a major win in our book.

As for options, you could get this kit with or without the nail essentials. The former option makes this kit ideal if you already have a trial kit, and you want to build-up your powder collection. If you do your own nails and dont share the products, theres little concern, especially if you take steps to keep your nails healthy and practice proper nail care.

Apply another coat of activator, and wait for 2-4 minutes again. The finest product for you is that brand if you have your heart set on it. For instance, you should shop for a Samsung S9 phone online or at any other Samsung store if you wish to buy one.

DoubleDipNails Nail Dip Powder Liquid Set

So if you work with your hands frequently, like washing your dishes or rowing daily, you’ll likely experience more chips than someone who doesn’t partake in labor-intensive activities. One of the best things about this kit is the color selection. Its an impressive collection with a range of creme, glitter, and shimmer options that span the rainbow.

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